Right to Interaction With Trained Professionals

Hate Crime

Making Victims’ Rights a Reality: Robby Simenon

Language: English


The story is part of VSE’s campaign that aimed to improve the access to victim support services in member states and to encourage victims to reach out the support services. Victim Support Europe has been talking to victims of hate crimes and those working in this area to understand where authorities failed to help, where things went well and and what needs to be improved. Robby Simenon has spoken out about being the victim of a hate crime after he was assaulted in his hometown Bilzen (Belgium).
Hate Crime

Making Victims’ Rights a Reality: Yasmine

Language: FrenchSubtitles: English


The story is part of VSE’s campaign that aimed to improve the access to victim support services in member states and to encourage victims to reach out the support services. Victim Support Europe has been talking to victims of hate crimes and those working in this area to understand where authorities failed to help, where things went well and and what needs to be improved. Yasmine has spoken out about being a victim of a hate crime after she was assaulted in her hometown of Brussels.
GBV   Domestic Violence

Melanie Maria | Survivor Ambassador – Domestic Violence

Language: English


Melanie Maria experienced a lot of mental abuse. She participated in Victim Support Europe’s Autumn Conference 2019 as a survivor ambassador to share her experience with all victims, all survivors and also all those who don’t know anything about the issue of domestic violence – the people who also can be a support to those around them.
Being a Survivor Ambassador helps Melanie in her ongoing healing process.
Hate Crime

Karima’s story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…

Language: English


“The harassment was getting worse and worse. If you don’t belong to a vulnerable group yourself, you wouldn’t believe the amount of racism that minorities face daily.”

When Karima moved to Stockholm with her children, she started to receive threats and discriminatory comments from her neighbours. Follow her journey to discover how she found the courage the report the crime and to find support. 

GBV   Domestic Violence

Victoire’s Story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…

Language: English


Victoire’s story is the seventh video of the ‘You won’t believe it, but it exists…’ series. The video shows how Victoire, victim of domestic violence, found the support she needed with the French association France Victimes (france-victimes.fr).

As Victoire tells in this story: “Those, who ask for help from France Victimes, have the final say in making decisions, and they are offered long-term care and support if they need it. The support worker, who followed-up on my case kept me informed, she would call me to ask me how I was feeling, to get my news. I felt so cared for – it was amazing!”.

GBV   Rape

Victims for Justice | Nina Fuchs

Language: English


This video showcases the story of Nina Fuchs (Germany), who delivered a powerful speech at VSE’s Autumn Conference 2021.

Nina is an incredibly clear, strong, and focused woman who has managed to free herself from the victim role in order to raise her voice for those who don’t have a voice.

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01. Right to information and communication

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02. Right to support and compensation

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03. Right to access justice

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04. Right to protection and individual assessment

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06. Right to cross-border assistance

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