Right to Support and Compensation
Making Victims’ Rights a Reality: Robby Simenon
Language: English
Making Victims’ Rights a Reality: Yasmine
Language: FrenchSubtitles: English
Making Victims’ Rights a Reality: Anna Ropianyk
Language: English
Philip Adlem | Experience of Online Harassment as an LGBTI Person
Language: English
Philip is a Hate Crime Caseworker for GALOP, an LGBT+ anti-violence charity based in London. Philip was previously a front-line charity worker with homeless youth and a Police Officer in the Metropolitan Police Service’s emergency response team. In 2016, Philip proposed to his partner during the London LGBT Pride Parade, the recording of which has had over 100 million views on various media platforms world-wide.
Phil’s experience of homophobic online hate came was caused by this recording of his proposal at pride. He and his partner unexpectedly received both direct messages and indirect comments, including death threats and other hate messages. Phil considers himself to be resilient to most things given his experience working in violence, death and crime but the online hate aimed at him had a very large and very unexpected impact on him. He left the police and joined Galop as an advocate for victims of hate crime as a result.
Melanie Maria | Survivor Ambassador – Domestic Violence
Language: English
Being a Survivor Ambassador helps Melanie in her ongoing healing process.
Petra’s Story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
This is the story of how she survived and recovered from the crime.
Ilenia’s Story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
Freja’s story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
Freja was a victim of rape in Denmark. Through referral of a friend, she contacted Offerrådgivningen i Danmark (Victim Support Denmark – www.offerraadgivning.dk), where she found warmth and comfort.
Discover Freja’s story in the video below!
Jussi’s story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
Karima’s story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
When Karima moved to Stockholm with her children, she started to receive threats and discriminatory comments from her neighbours. Follow her journey to discover how she found the courage the report the crime and to find support.
Victoire’s Story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
As Victoire tells in this story: “Those, who ask for help from France Victimes, have the final say in making decisions, and they are offered long-term care and support if they need it. The support worker, who followed-up on my case kept me informed, she would call me to ask me how I was feeling, to get my news. I felt so cared for – it was amazing!”.
Victims for Justice | Nina Fuchs
Language: English
Nina is an incredibly clear, strong, and focused woman who has managed to free herself from the victim role in order to raise her voice for those who don’t have a voice.
Wendy’s Story – You won’t believe it, but it exists…
Language: English
As Wendy tells in this story: “I was 14 when I told my mother what my father had been doing to me over the past 5 years. Luckily, she believed me, and my father was arrested by the police. Unfortunately, there was no evidence of the sexual abuse – it all had been too long ago so, my father only got a few nights in prison and a restraining order. Had I had been able to get help at the time, such as through a helpline or something online, or even if a teacher at school or an instructor at the ballet school had paid attention to my depression, I would probably have recovered more quickly, but at that time I was left alone, face to face with my guilt.”
Astrid Passin – How do I measure the value of human life?
Language: English
Read Astrid’s full testimonial in English here
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