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Jeffrey DeMarco

Executive Board Member
Victim Support – England and Wales, United Kingdom

Jeffrey DeMarco is a senior policy and insight professional with expertise in forensic psychology and criminology. He currently leads Victim Supports Programmes and Partnership team, responsible for their data and reporting function. This is inclusive of their new reporting suite, ensuring the validity and reliability of information captured. This will enable clear, transparent and useful intelligence in meeting and responding to the needs for victims, and providing operational and managerial colleagues with compelling arguments advocating for victims. On the partnership strand, he works with colleagues across the organisation, and closely with the Business Development team, in identifying and pursing new connections to bolster the overall offer of support. Prior to this role, he was the Assistant Director of Knowledge and Insight at Victim Support where he managed the research, data and reporting, external affairs and media teams.

The majority of his policy and insight work explores the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system, including work for the European Commission, enhancing the policing of online sexual abuse; investigating youth justice systems for UNICEF across the MENA region and eastern Africa; improving partnership between local communities and military in conflict zones, including Iraq and Afghanistan; and assessing the psychopathology of adolescent victims/offenders of online violence (radicalisation) presenting to the police and statutory services. These have allowed for the development of expertise in the area, subject wise and methodologically, as well as allowed the development of strong associations and partnerships nationally and internationally. He co-led a programme of work for the End Violence Partnership and Tech Coalition developing, testing and implementing a new psychological and trauma informed resource for commercial content moderators. The programme sought to assess levels of psychological and emotional distress and identify self-help resources this specific workforce can use. It also aims to raise awareness amongst senior management about the importance of support for staff.

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