The Voice of Victims in Europe and beyond.
Our Mission
Strengthening the rights and services for all victims of crime in Europe and beyond.
Victim Support Europe promotes the establishment and development of victim rights and services throughout Europe. The organisation aims to ensure that every victim in Europe and world-wide can access information and support services in the aftermath of a crime, regardless of where the victim lives or where the crime took place.
Victim Support Europe also works to ensure that victims are respected, have access to their rights and are able to make their voice heard throughout the criminal justice process.
National, European, and international actors increasingly turn to Victim Support Europe as they develop their victims’ rights laws, policies, and services. Work continues, on developing new models, measures, and solutions, to improve and implement rights for victims of crime.
Our Values
Victim Support Europe is committed to working to the highest ethical standards to improve the situation for victims of crime in Europe. We believe all victims are entitled to support and assistance in the aftermath of crime, regardless of whether or not the crime is reported to the police. We support the development of victim support services that are:
- free of charge
- confidential
- victim-centred
- independent
- accessible throughout Europe
- tailored to meet the individual needs of the victim
- delivered by trained and qualified staff/volunteers
We believe victims should have access to strong, independent rights throughout the criminal justice system and in wider society. In our advocacy work, we prioritise:
- Promoting the implementation and strengthening of victims’ rights
- Ensuring that victims are recognised, treated with respect and protected from secondary victimisation
- Promoting the rights, resilience and recovery of victims, and strengthening victim support
- Facilitating full access to support for victims within a national framework
- Working towards victim-centred justice and compensation systems
Please access here the VSE constitution.