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Since its creation in 2009, the European 116 006 Helpline for Victims of Crime is only available in 13 EU Member States. Neither Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia nor Spain offer their citizens a 116 006 helpline.

116 006 helplines offer victims of a crime a listening and caring ear when they need it the most.

Without access to 116 006, tens of thousands of victims feel alone and unheard, unable to take that first step towards recovery and justice.

In a joint statement, Victim Support Europe and 40 victim support organisations call on the European Commission, Council and Parliament to make the 116 006 helpline a requirement in all EU States, and to support Member States through EU funding, following the approach for the missing children helplines. 

Proper funding for new and existing helplines is essential. In 2022, EU Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders and Eric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals, French Minister for Justice called on all EU Member States “to make use of the 116 006 helplines for the benefit of their citizens, in the conviction that it is a necessary tool for providing information and care to victims”.  

Join the campaign!

Victim Support Europe is therefore launching an Action Week that will start on 11 April at 09:00 (CEST). We provide a campaign toolkit that outlines how VSE members and partners can support the 116 006 Helpline Action Week in order to call on the European policy makers to make the 116 006 helpline a requirement in all European Union Member States.

The 1-week campaign will be launched on 11 April 2023 at 09:00 (CEST) and the contents of this webpage / toolkit are embargoed until then. The Action Week is a key part of the VSE’s advocacy work aiming at advancing victims’ laws and policies both on the EU and national levels.

Campaign assets

Are you joining our campaign? You can find the campaign guideline and assets below.






DISCLAIMER: The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Victim Support Europe and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

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