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Marina Kazakova

Empowering Youth: Insights on Targeted Support for Young Victims of Crime

5 min read

In an exclusive interview, Marcel Wientjen of Victim Support Netherlands reveals the struggles faced by young victims of crime and identifies the support they urgently need. Highlighting both their vulnerabilities and developmental challenges, Wientjen uncovers effective strategies that empower these young victims. Discover the innovative solutions and efforts driving the change in young survivors’ lives.

Marina Kazakova

Why an All-Crime Victim Support Service is Essential?

5 min read

Suzan van der Aa, Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure at Maastricht University spoke with VSE on the importance of establishing a single support service for victims of all types of crimes that would work alongside specialist services. Suzan emphasizes how this approach can ensure comprehensive assistance for all victims, regardless of the crime they've experienced, and can improve coordination between the various victims support groups.

Marina Kazakova

Analyzing DROGA’s Campaign on the Victims’ Rights Directive in Poland

5 min read

In this interview, we explore the impact of a recent campaign led by DROGA, a member of Victim Support Europe (VSE). The campaign, entitled “Stand up for the rights of crime victims. It’s time for change!”, aimed to raise awareness about the Victims’ Rights Directive in Poland. Below, we discuss the campaign’s objectives, methods, and results with Krzysztof Wilczek, DROGA’s President.

Marina Kazakova

Victim Support Scotland’s Transformational Journey: Navigating Legislative, Financial, and Collaborative Landscapes

5 min read

Explore Victim Support Scotland's 40-year transformative journey and learn about its key milestones and innovative approaches. Our article looks at the significant legislative, financial, and collaborative challenges Victim Support Scotland has faced and how it has addressed them to support victims effectively by implementing virtual reality court experiences, trauma-informed frameworks, and specialist services.

Marina Kazakova

Empowering Victims: How COVIS Partners’ Advocacy Secured Court-Based Support in the Recently Proposed EU’s Victims’ Rights Directive

5 min read

In Conversation With Frida Wheldon, Victim Support Sweden and Leader of the COVIS project

Bart Claes & Staf Van Pelt

A Conversation on Sexual Abuse Victimisation in the Church

5 min read

This transcript captures the voices of Bart Claes, Director of CAW, and Staf Van Pelt, an ex-victim of sexual abuse within the church (we stick to the wording Staf prefers to use), as they delve into the complexities of victimisation, the challenges of speaking out, and the path towards healing and empowerment.

Jed Stone

Talking Sponsorship: Why choose to sponsor victim support organisations?

5 min read

Jed Stone, Director of Issured Ltd, recently met with Victim Support Europe (VSE) to discuss collaboration between the private sector and victim support efforts.

What is Next for the EU Rules on Victims’ Rights?

3 min read

Victim Support Europe (VSE), in conjunction with its 78 member organisations, played an active role in the consultations leading to the adoption of the Commission’s proposal for the revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive.

Marina Kazakova

Addressing the crucial need for education on terrorism preparedness

3 min read

Addressing the crucial need for public awareness and education on terrorism preparedness. In Conversation with Maher Rekik: Unveiling the Success of CREST Campaign.

Marina Kazakova

Bridging the Divide: Sandy Madar’s Quest to Unite for Victim Support in Morocco

3 min read

Bridging the Divide: Sandy Madar's Quest to Unite for Victim Support in Morocco. Our interview series 'In Conversation With' sees victims' rights visionaries, innovators and disruptors take the hot seat.

Marina Kazakova

Victim support is becoming part of the new normal in Asia

3 min read

Victim support is becoming part of the new normal in Asia. In Conversation With Vitim Support Asia's Founder and President Yong Woo Lee.

Marina Kazakova

Latin America on its Path to Victim Support: where are we?

3 min read

Latin America on its Path to Victim Support: where are we? In Conversation With 'Victim Support Americas' visionaries Lucía Gayón and Daniel Roggero.

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