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We need you

Victim Support Europe goes from strength to strength, and at the heart of its success is its membership. VSE has three membership categories: Full Membership, Associate Membership, and Supporter of VSE (corporate and individual). Anyone, anywhere in the world, interested in supporting victims’ rights can join VSE – whether you’re a victim support organisation or a University, company, or an individual.

We hope to offer everyone the opportunity to support our mission of strengthening the rights and services for all victims of crime in Europe and beyond, whilst keeping victim support at the heart of our organisation.

VSE’s strength derives from the diversity of its membership. Your participation helps improve, and disseminate, our knowledge and expertise, to ensure we represent, promote, and enhance victims’ interests in every country.

Membership benefits

Victim Support Europe provides various opportunities for members to come together and learn from each other through the exchange of information and best practices. Drawing on expert knowledge from every sector, we develop policy, guidance, monitoring mechanisms, etc., on behalf of victims of crime.

In joining VSE, you will become part of a community of people and organisations devoted to victimsrights.

Your voice in Europe

With 25 years of experience representing victim organisations from around Europe, VSE is recognised as one of the leading umbrella organisations advocating for victims’ rights.

We are consultants on the UN’s ECOSOC committee and often meet with representatives at the Council of Europe.  We meet with the European Commission to influence developments in European – and global – victim rights policy and legislation as well as to provide them with updates on victims’ issues in Member States.  We were directly involved in the development of the EU Victims Directive.

VSE acts at the European and international level to support the efforts of its members to improve life for victims of crime and terrorism. We do this on our own and, to strengthen our voice, in conjunction with other European and international organisations.

Gaining and sharing knowledge

Victim Support Europe aims not only to develop European and International policies but also to help each individual member strengthen their own capacity and services. Some of the ways we are doing this are:

  • Publications Database: in addition to the the range of publications and information we collate and disseminate through our newsletter, twitter, youtube, instagram and facebook accounts, we are developing a members-only publications database – we have begun uploading  900 available titles and work will continue on a weekly basis.
  • Contacts Database: To help members contact the right person or organisation for their needs, we are also developing a contacts database. The database will allow you find the assistance you require for your project, field of research, for a specific query, or to help a victim in a cross border situation.
  • Members’ Forums: VSE’s new Intranet provides the opportunity for members to discuss topics through a forum-style format. Forums can be closed or open, and  initiated by demand. We expect to create forums on supporting victims of terrorism and on EU funding.
  • Conferences: VSE organises two conferences every year, bringing together a diversity of actors working on or interested in the field of victims’ rights and victim support. These conferences are designed to increase knowledge and sharing of best practices and to maximise networking opportunities. Travel and accommodation costs are covered by VSE for Full Members, and as funding allows for Associate Members.
  • Events and training: VSE organises at least three workshops or training events every year, with travel and accommodation for Full Members covered by VSE. Where funding is available, access to these events is also extended to Associate Members.

Over time we hope to increase the number of annual events and to provide access to Supporter Members. Examples of previous workshops include accessing EU funding, establishing victim support helplines, continued development of helplines, developing standards for victim support.

Delivering for victims

Victim Support Europe is constantly seeking new ways to help its members meet their objectives and improve rights and services for victims in their own countries. This work is prioritised towards Full Members, but based on capacity we seek to help all members.

We help member organisations with policy advice and input into the monitoring of national legislation. We support members in establishing or widening victim support services in their countries. We also help find partners for project proposals or identify best practices from around the world based on specific requests or priorities.

We seek innovative means to connect organisations working with cross-border victims as well as to help victims find appropriate support in their home country.

In the future, we hope to develop measures that will allow victim support organisations deliver appropriate victims’ services and help ensure victims have access to information and aid.

Helping to shape the future

Victim Support Europe is committed to evaluating existing international policies and legislation, identifying gaps and developing solutions. We do this through internal projects and, increasingly, through policy groups and in consultation with our members – full members are involved in all policy development as part of their terms of membership. Full members hold voting rights at all General Meetings and can hold office on the Executive Board.

Associate Members and Supporters of VSE participate in discussions by invitation only – our aim is to be as inclusive and representative as possible – your involvement is everyone’s gain.

Full Membership

Full Membership preview

Full membership is open to non-governmental Victim Support organisations in a European state as defined by the Council of Europe. The organisation must provides or oversees generic services of practical, psychological and emotional support to victims of crime on a national level. Such services must be available to all victims of crime.

Consideration for full membership will be given to organisations operating at a substate level that provide support services ale to a significant group of people within the population or provide a substantial range of services.

To be eligible to join as a full member you must comply with a number of conditions, which are summarised below. Full details are available here. These conditions help ensure certain minimum standards whilst being broad and flexible enough to recognise and encompass pan-European circumstances.

Victim Support Organisations interested in full membership are invited to contact VSE’s Administrative Officer for more information and support.


Summary of Conditions for Full Membership

A full member is an independent, non-governmental organisation in a European State (of the Council of Europe) that:

  • Provides a range of general services, including at least emotional and practical support, for all victims of crime
  • Operates at a state or national level
  • Provides or makes available support to a substantial group of the population
  • Provides services free of charge to the end service user
  • Ensures that the confidentiality of the service user is respected
  • Ensures that all staff and volunteers working with or supporting victims of crime receive an appropriate level of training in accordance with the nature of their contact with the victim and the type of crime involved.
  • Has a non-discrimination policy prohibiting any discrimination based on any ground.
  • Has clear and transparent governance and financial control mechanisms in place
  • In order to become a full Member, every organisation must generally agree with and support the principles, policy, standards and good practice guidelines that may from time to time be agreed by Victim Support Europe.

If you have any questions please just contact us.

Membership Fees

Membership fees for 2016 are provided below. Fees are based on the Annual income of each organisation.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership preview

VSE recognises the valuable work undertaken in Europe and globally by governments, NGOs, academic and research institutions and at an international, national, regional or local level. It also recognises the significant contribution of thousands of individuals to improving victims’ circumstances.

VSE works on an inclusive basis and believes the best way to achieve change is by listening to, involving and supporting others. To enable organisations and individuals to become part of our Community, VSE has an associate membership scheme.

Any individual or organisation, broadly supporting the aims and objectives of VSE, working on victims’ issues may apply for Associate Membership. Full conditions of membership can be found here.


Membership Fees

The membership fee for associate members is €250 per individual or organisation.

Supporters of VSE

Supporters of VSE preview

There are many individuals and organisations who do not work in the field of victim support but who wish to contribute or to learn more about our work. Joining us as a Supporter allows us to complete more projects and demonstrates how much our societies care about victims. Your solidarity with victims makes a real difference and strengthens our voice on behalf of victims.

As a Supporter you will be able to access our publications and contacts database, exchange information and best practices with VSE member organisations, and network with the community of victims’ rights experts.

Any individual or organisation may become a Supporter of VSE provided they support the mission and goals of VSE and do not act in any way contrary to those goals or against victims in general.

Membership fees for 2021 are provided below.


Membership Fees

Membership fees for 2016 are provided below.

Benefits according to Membership

Apply Now

Whether your membership is full, associate or supporter, we thank you – you are important to victims in Europe. To apply for membership, and for more information about what how your membership helps support victims, and what VSE membership can bring to you, please contact us at:

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