VSE’s internship program provides a wide range of opportunities for students and recent graduates, who intend to work in an NGO, or in the field of victims’ rights. We offer paid, full-time, 6-month internships with our head office in Brussels.
VSE values the involvement of volunteers in its various projects. Volunteers help enhance the breadth and quality of services, provided by VSE, by putting their time, skills, and knowledge at its disposal. They help keep our work relevant to European victim support organisations and victims of crime through their experience and research. Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours or can work with us on a regular basis, we’d appreciate your help and we’d love to hear from you.
How to apply
VSE accepts spontaneous applications as well as replies to open positions for interns or volunteers. Interested applicants are invited to send a CV + motivational letter to info@victimsupporteurope.eu. Applicants from a range of backgrounds are encouraged, welcomed, and supported.