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Information for Victims of London attacks

By June 4, 2017February 1st, 2021News

London was struck by an attack last night leaving at least 6 dead and 20 injured. We are following the situation and will provide you with information for victims and those affected  on this page.
An emergency number is available for those who are concerned about loved ones or anyone who may have been in the area – +44800 096 1233 & +4420 7158 0197. 
If you are safe please let friends and family know. This will relieve pressure on phone lines. Please do not call 999 unless it is an emergency.
Victim Support is offering support to anyone who has witnessed or been affected by the terror incident in London yesterday.
For their free Supportline call +448 08 16 89 111 to access support or email their Supportline. Victim Support supports victims and those bereaved by terrorist activity, home and abroad.
International embassies have set up support for their citizens who were affected:

  • For Swedish nationals affected, contact the Swedish Embassy
  • For French nationals affected – call  the crisis number of the French embassy in London : + 44 7887 768941 Or the number of the crisis centre in France +33 1 43 17 51 00


Report anything suspicious to the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or online. In an emergency, call 999.


Public appeal for photos/videos

The police are appealing for any photos or videos that relate to the incident, please upload your photos/videos here.

Victims’ Information Service

Victims’ Information Service is a national information line helping victims of crime to get information on local support available across England and Wales.
The information line will also provide immediate emotional and practical assistance when needed, while focusing on directing you to local support as quickly as possible.
The phone number is +44808 168 9293 and it is free to call.
For more confirmed information about the attacks:

Our thoughts  are with all those affected in London.

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