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By February 19, 2019February 1st, 2021News


Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of the Victim and Witness Support System

The Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of the Victim and Witness Support System in the Republic of Croatia for the period up to 2020.
The Action Plan defines more precisely specific activities of the measures of the National strategy, deadlines for provision of those activities and necessary financial resources for their implementation.
Due to the planned activities, the Action plan will contribute to the development of the victim and witness support system, by upgrading normative, institutional and organizational capacities in six core areas:

  1. co-ordination of inter-agency activities and cooperation and standardization of procedures of provision of support and protection of the rights of victims and witnesses
  2. improvement of the normative framework with the development of an information system for monitoring the implementation of victim and witness support
  3. further inclusion of civil society organizations in the victim and witness support system
  4. strengthening international cooperation.
  5. training of experts who come into contact with victims and witnesses
  6. sensitizing and informing the public

The Action Plan has been drawn up by the National Committee for Monitoring and Improving the Victim and Witness Support System, the expert and advisory body of the Ministry of Justice.
National Committee members are representatives of: The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, State Attorney’s Office of the RoC, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Croatian War Veterans, Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the RoC, Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb and civil society organisations: Victim and Witness Support Service Croatia and Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights Osijek.
Service for Victim and Witness Support of the MoJ is in charge of technical support to the National Committee.

The document is available at the following link.
2nd year of the program „NGO Network for Victim and Witness Support”

Following the successful implementation of the 1st year of the program “NGO Network for Victim and Witness Support” in 2018, the Ministry of Justice continues to financially support civil society organizations for the implementation of program activities in 2019.
„NGO Network for Victim and Witness Support”, a partnership of 11 NGOs, is conducting a 3-year programme – from 2018 to 2020 in 13 counties of Croatia where there are no Victim and Witness Support Departments at courts.

European Day for Victims of Crime, 22 February 2018

In recognition of the European day for Victims of crime, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia, Service for Victim and Witness Support is organizing the round table „Individual assessment of victims – Practical Experience and Challenges”. The round table will be held on 22 February 2019 in the premises of the Ministry of Justice.
The aim of the round table is to discuss the experiences and challenges in the implementation of the individual assessment of victims, as well as possible ways of enhancing cooperation with authorities, organizations and institutions providing assistance and support to victims of crime through examples of good practice.

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