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Victim Support Europe pays tribute to the victims of terrorism on the 15th European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism

By March 11, 2019February 1st, 2021News

11 March 2019

Today, on 11 March, the 15th European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism, the Executive Director of Victim Support Europe Levent Altan, joined by the VSE’s board with representatives from 8 countries, took part in the flowers laying ceremony at the commemoration monument for the victims of terror on Schumanplein in Brussels. The ceremony was organised by V-Europe and the White March Committee to pay tribute to all victims of terrorism.

It is vital to remember all those killed and impacted by terrorism and take a stand against further tragedies in their name.

Recovery comes at its own pace and no-one should be alone along the way.



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