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You can make a difference just by keeping up to date with the latest developments and spreading the word about victims’ issues.
We are trying to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information that interests you most through different media.
RSS Feed
You could start with our RSS Feed and get every new publication immediately on your favourite reader: Feedly, Flipboard, you name it. Just click on subscribe and get the link to add to your reader.
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VSE produces four newsletters per year which includes information on our activities and the work of national members, updates on new EU and international laws and policies etc.
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VSE has a twitter account which we use primarily to disseminate articles, publications, good practices related to general victims issues as well as specific issues or specific groups. You can also find out about VSE and EU events.
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Youtube Channel
VSE’s Youtube Channel compiles and catalogues youtube videos relevant to victims’ issues in a single place. More than 10 categories exist, with over 100 videos. We are continuing to expand the library all the time. Subscribe to our channel:
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VSE shares information, publications, videos, latest developments and keeps you up to date on VSE and other events through its Facebook page.
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VSE’s Pinterest page compiles and catalogues in a single place, articles, publications, videos, websites and more, issues relevant to victims of crime. 10 Boards already exist, with over 100 pins and we are continuing to expand the library all the time. Subscribe to our Page:
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