Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification

This Directive It aims to set out common rules of law relating to the right to family reunification. The intention is to enable family members of non-EU nationals residing lawfully on the territory of the EU to join them in the EU country in which they are residing. The objective is to protect the family unit and to facilitate the integration of nationals of non-member countries. Non-EU nationals who hold a residence permit valid for at least one year in one of the EU countries and who have the legal option of long-term residence can apply for family reunification. However, this directive does not apply to family members of an EU citizen, or to non-EU nationals applying for recognition of refugee status whose application has not yet given rise to a final decision or who are under a temporary form of protection.

Institution: European Commission
Type of document: Legislation
Year: 2003
Topic: Migrants
Type of victim: Victims of discrimination