The Association for Supporting Activities for Persons Needing Help DROGA in Olsztynek was registered in the summer of 2010. The aim of the Association is to initiate and support activities in the field of social and health policy, consisting of the implementation of tasks in the field of social integration, health protection and promotion, social work, prevention and treatment of addictions, with particular emphasis on high-risk groups.
The association carries out activities for people in need in the area of prevention and reduction of domestic violence, promotion of gender equality, and support for people at risk of social exclusion. It undertakes therapeutic, preventive, training and professional activities. The association conducts therapy for perpetrators and survivors based on the Duluth and Trauma Informed Model.
In practice, the association undertakes activities in the field of:
- Helping victims of violence by organizing activities in the form of, for example, support groups
- Conducting therapy for perpetrators of violence, people addicted to alcohol and drugs as well as for co-addicted people
- Conducting therapy in the field of behavioral addictions (Internet, electronic devices)
- Conducting sociotherapeutic classes for children and adolescents from families with alcohol problems and/or domestic violence
- Trainings for institutions dealing with the problem of violence and addictions (health care, schools, police, etc.)
- Providing sheltered housing for victims of domestic violence.
ul. Niepodległości 19 11-015 Olsztynek, Poland