Working to protect the interests of road crash victims & to reduce road danger” – a Federation of different organisations countries in Europe and beyond, who offer help and assistance to road victims and campaign for their rights and for the reduction of road danger.
FEVR was formally founded in Geneva on 6th of July 1991, by Professor Marcel HAEGI with the objectives to promote assistance to road victims at international level in Europe, work for prevention of crashes and strengthen contacts and collaboration between road victim associations from the various countries.
Many of those organisations have been set up by victims themselves when they experienced that no help was available to people whose close relatives were killed or injured in a road crash or who have been injured themselves.
FEVR is the creator of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (www.WorldDayofRemembrance.org) – a Day, which FEVR members have begun to observe jointly on every third Sunday in November from 1995 onwards. Through our membership of the UNRSC, which we informed of this Day, our World Day has become a UN-registered Day and is now observed on every continent – by relevant NGOs, institutions, companies, government departments and individuals.
Rue de la Jonchaie 17, 1040 Eterbeek, Brussels, Belgium