Medinnovint aims at best health outcomes by ensuring a generation of well-skilled health personnel with refined clinical practice and mindsets geared towards innovative thinking.
We therefore encourage and promote activities contributing to excellent medical practice, and targeted population sensitisation.
Over the years in Cameroon, there has been the challenge of linking assaulted individuals with the medicolegal framework. Several have abandoned filing cases because of poor orientation and sometimes fear of reliving the trauma. Others in the interior villages have felt they were too far off to access the very few specialists, which they knew were only in the big cities. Some survivors filed cases that were quickly discarded because of wrongly written medical reports. With these in mind, we seek to create a system linking the necessary facilities adequately. In the technology age, where over 70% of people aged 15 and above in Cameroon have a mobile phone and where internet access is rated at over 30%, we sought to use mobile phones and internet access for proper orientation for medicolegal assistance.
Medinnovint started a project to raise awareness of physical and sexual violence in Cameroon. The major aims are to resolve socially and medically (if still possible) former victims and their loved ones, and manage any new cases of violence.
Associate Member
+4917637685812; +237 674581291
obenpearl@medinnovint.com; info@medinnovint.com