Opferhilfe Berlin

Associate Member

The association Opferhilfe Berlin eV was founded in 1986 as a non-profit organization. We now advise well over 2,000 victims and witnesses of crime from all over Berlin every year. We finance our work in addition to the grants from the Berlin Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination, through fines and donations. The association maintains the

  • Counseling center in Berlin-Moabit
  • Witness support in the Moabit Criminal Court
  • pro active – service point for victims of criminal offenses’

The task and goal of the association is to support victims, witnesses of criminal offenses and their relatives.

In addition, we campaign in public and in politics for the sustainable improvement of the situation of victims of crime.

We are committed to creating a social climate in which those affected are respected and in which it is easier to turn to aid organizations after a crime has been committed.

Victims’ Aid Berlin eV supports victims or witnesses of a crime and their relatives in this critical situation.

  • We support you in processing what you have experienced.
  • We will show you the existing options.
  • We advise you on sensible next steps – regardless of whether you have been affected by stalking, domestic violence, burglary or other violence.
  • We support children and young people with age-appropriate methods.


Oldenburger Straße 38, 10551 Berlin-Moabit



Associate Member

+49 30 395 28 67



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