Supporting Justice is a Community Interest Company; we work mainly in the criminal justice arena specialising in issues affecting victims and witnesses and are currently working closely with the large UK charity Citizens Advice on the redesign of their Witness Service service, the development of internal and externally facing policy and procedures, and the design and delivery of training for their almost 2,500 volunteers delivering the service in all criminal courts in England and Wales. Supporting Justice has a simple and clear vision: to help make the justice and social sectors work more effectively for everyone. We offer guidance and advice to help achieve the best outcomes for those affected by crime and we believe that unless people understand how and why things are as they are, and unless a deep and strong focus on outcomes is developed and maintained, the criminal justice system will never deliver what it promises: transparency, fairness and justice.
United Kingdom
Orchard House, Three Elm Lane, Golden Green, Kent , United Kingdom, N11 0BE