Launched: December 2023
Petition targeted to: Members of national governments
How well are we doing for victims across the EU and do the EU Victims’ laws work in practice?
Our BENEVICT project, spanning 26 EU countries, reveals tough challenges in implementing the Victims’ Rights Directive a decade after its establishment.
Victims of crime need support – emotional, practical, legal and more. This not only helps them recover but also helps them participate in the justice system – addressing their own needs and supporting wider rule of law goals.
Currently sufficient services do not exist, are not practical or are not effectively co-ordinated across a country and with law enforcement. A strategic approach is required as set forth in VSE’s national victim support framework policy paper to ensure these services and authorities who are in contact with victims – such as law enforcement authorities and justice professionals – are equipped with the right tools.
To address this, we call for the development of strong national victim support frameworks, effective access to justice for cross-border victims, involvement of support professionals in policy development, sustainable migration systems, and improved implementation of the European Protection Order.
– Victims are included and at the centre of the EU response to crime, security and justice;
– Victims are effectively and adequately supported, by ensuring that Member States put in place national frameworks for comprehensive support and safe justice systems;
– All EU victims-related legislations and policies, such as the revised Victims’ Rights, European Protection Order, Countering Terrorism and the Violence against Women Directives, are as strong and comprehensive as possible, and that Member States effectively implement them.