Victim Support Europe Annual Conference 2023 Report
Victim Support Europe (VSE)’s 2023 Annual Conference – a hybrid event with in-person participation in Berlin, Germany and online participation via the BoostEvents platform – entitled “Protecting Fundamental Freedoms, A Victim’s Perspective”, took place from 7 to 9 June. While plenary sessions and panel discussions were livestreamed, the workshops were in-person events. The conference was
hosted by WEISSER RING e.V.
291 people attended the conference, along with 17 online participants. Thirty speakers from diverse fields covered themes that focused on the interconnection of fundamental freedoms and victims’ policy. Participants came from many countries: Germany had the largest representation, followed by Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, France, Finland and other EU Member States.
Internationally, the United States were well represented, together with Cameroon, Brazil, and Israel, amongst others.