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Victim and Witness Support in Court

Under Brottsofferjouren Sverige’s (Victim Support Sweden) lead, the COVIS project (court-based victim and witness support service) aims to build knowledge and provide tools to establish and deliver quality court-based support services for victims and witnesses of crime, to meet the needs and rights of all victims/witnesses participating in criminal proceedings. The project will contribute to promoting better criminal processes and access to safe justice.  

The project will identify court-based support services for victims and witnesses of crime across all EU Member States, and thereby capture victims´ ability to access their right to information and support in connection with their trial, improving the practical application of EU rules on victims´ rights. By identifying and capturing best practice in providing support services in court, the project will improve the quality of support services delivered, to better meet the needs of victims of crime and empower victims to participate in criminal proceedings. 

The COVIS project consists of the court-based victim and witness support organisations from Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Ireland and Denmark as well as the European network for victim support services, Victim Support Europe. VSE will lead the research and data collection efforts.  

If you have any project-related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Paula Peralta Agustí at:

Objectives of the project

  • Promote and support the rights of all victims of crime 
  • Improve application of victims´ rights and victims´ ability to access their rights in practice 
  • Better meet the needs of all victims and witnesses called to give evidence in a criminal trial, minimising the risk of secondary victimisation and empower the victim/witness to overcome the negative consequence of crime 
  • Contribute to a safe environment in court, strengthening victims´ and witnesses´ ability to provide their best possible evidence, and thereby supporting the effective and fair administration of criminal justice  
  • Support the effective and coherent application of EU law in the area of the rights of victims of crime in line with the Directive 2012/29/EU and the EU strategy on victims´ rights (2020-2025) 

Activities under the project

  • Research and data collection to build knowledge and expertise in establishing and developing court-based, including a Best Practice Handbook. 
  • Development and implementation of capacity-building activities for professionals delivering court-based support services through study visits, trainings, webinars 
  • Development and dissemination of information materials. 
  • Development and implementation of awareness raising campaigns.  

DISCLAIMER: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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