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Early Network-based Action Against Violent Behaviours to Leverage Victim Empowerment (ENABLE)

Project ENABLE (Early Network-based Action against abusive Behaviours to Leverage victim Empowerment) is a 2 year project that has the threefold aim of: preventing domestic violence (DV)/gender-based violence (GBV); protecting victims; and launching and formalising integrated interventions.

The project is rooted in the ZEUS Protocol, a 2018 Protocol Agreement – renewed in 2019 – between the Central Anticrime Directorate of the National Police in Milan (SCA) and CIPM for the effective implementation of Laws no. 38/2009 and 119/2013 on DV and GBV. The Protocol Agreement ensures an early, multi-level, multiagency integrated response to GBV, so as to safeguard victims and potential victims. It entails that individuals who are issued a warning for DV or stalking by the police after victims or bystanders.

Objectives of the project

VSE conducts the impact evaluation of project ENABLE.

Activities under the project

  • The production of an inception report, inclusive of detailed description of the methodology to answer the evaluation questions as well as the proposed source of information and data collection procedure. The inception report should also indicate the detailed schedule for the tasks to be undergone (work plan), the activities to be implemented and the deliverables. The role and responsibilities of each member of the evaluation team should be stated as well.
  • The production of a draft evaluation report.
  • The production of a final evaluation report, including: Executive summary, Intervention description, Evaluation purpose, Evaluation methodology, Findings, Conclusions (answers to the Evaluation Questions), Recommendations, Annexes (list of people interviewed, key documents consulted, data collection instruments).

(Expected) outcomes

The impact evaluation will focus and should be able to prove that the ENABLE project’s design brought positive change in the regions where it was implemented and is therefore worthy of replica in other EU countries and region, in the context of projects addressing domestic violence/ gender based violence.

Funding programme
Project ID: 101005716 Call: REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2020 Programme: REC DG/Agency: JUST

Co-funded by

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DISCLAIMER: The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Victim Support Europe and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

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