Labour exploitation as part of Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) continues to be among the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) key EU priorities for the fight against serious and organized crime. The Criminal Business form of labour exploitation and the trafficking of human beings is an important issue not only for Europe but across the world. The third EU report (2020) on the progress made in the fight against the Trafficking of Human Beings highlights that between 2017 and 2018, 14,145 victims of Trafficking in Human Beings were reported by EU Member States, and 15% of those victims were trafficked for the reason of labour exploitation. Child trafficking accounts for nearly a quarter of all victims in the EU.
The European Union recently funded a project with the title of Identifying compaNies and Victims in the Exploitation Phase to disRupt the financial business model of adult and child labor Trafficking (INVERT) that will address the above mentioned issues.