101097047 – LINK
The LINK project – Linking Information for Adaptive and Accessible Child-Friendly Courts – brings together 11 partners from 9 countries with the aim to improve the accessibility of and integration of child protection systems in criminal proceedings for children with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities.
The partnership aims to build the capacity of criminal justice professionals to guarantee non-discrimination of child victims with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities through good practices and awareness-raising activities and to optimise or develop integration and multidisciplinary cooperation of child protection systems and processes in criminal proceedings.
This project is implemented through a combination of mapping of information needs and recommendations of children with disabilities; development of a blueprint or proof of concept for a child-friendly accessible technological system; capacity-building activities to train criminal justice professionals and relevant stakeholders; and organisation of national children’s advisory boards, national roundtables and international conferences for the dissemination of project results and broader involvement of civil society, criminal justice professionals and children with disabilities.
The project, funded by the CERV programme of the European Commission, runs for 24 months and started in June 2023.
If you have any project-related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Antonio De Martin at: a.demartin@victimsupporteurope.eu