This project, which ran from 2011 to 2013, focused on improving access to information for victims in Portugal, Sweden, Czech Republic and Austria.
The project resulted in three outputs:
- A website – – which informs victims of crime about their rights in each country, addressing the functioning of the criminal justice system in a simple and accessible language.
- A poster – “Rights of Victims of Crime” – which offers a simple and attractive way to raise the awareness and inform about the rights of victims of crime.
- A brochure – “Infovictims: know your rights as a victim of crime” condenses and complements the information available on the website and can be found in the three partner countries’ versions: Austria; Czech Republic and Portugal.
The project was implemented by the Portuguese Association of Victim Support in partnership with:
- Victim Support Europe (VSE)
- Brottsoffermyndigheten (Sweden)
- Weisser Ring Austria (Austria)
- Bíli Kru Bezpeci (Czech Republic)
The project was co-financed by the European Commission under the Directorate General Justice.