Capacity building for EU crime victim support
From January 2011 until December 2012, Victim Support Europe promoted the Project CABVIS.
Project CABVIS aims to overcome the many difficulties arising from the non-harmonisation of EU member States’ victim support services and legal implementation of EU measures. The whole project provides those who directly deal with victims (i.e. police officers, judicial practitioners and victim support workers) with the tools and sensitivity to better deal with them, through:
- information on EU Member-States’ legal and justice systems;
- training of victim support organizations and seminars for police officers, judicial practitioners and other stakeholders;
- promoting knowledge exchange to develop community policies;
- supporting the implementation of EU laws on reserving the 116006 line to a victim support helpline.
The project developed the followed activities:
- a leaflet on cross border victims’ rights in 32 different languages.
- a series of seminars in each one of the partner countries.
- the training manual “Victims of Crime in the EU”.
- the implementation handbook on the 116006 – Helpline for victims of crime which includes organisational measures for implementing the 116006 helpline.
- Final Seminar in Lisbon in September 26th – 27th. For more info on the Seminar, please click here
The Partner organisations involved in this Project were:
- Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (Portugal)
- Slachtofferhulp Nederland (The Netherlands)
- Victim Support England & Wales (England and Wales)
- Victim Support Scotland (Scotland
- Weisser Ring (Germany)
The project was co-financed by the European Commission under the Directorate General Justice