With an ultimately funny and innovative character, new APAV Project – Affection through Science will allow the involvement of sheltered children and youngsters victims of trafficking in human beings in Science and Technology activities.
The main aim of the project is to not only promote the social and scholar integration of children victims of trafficking in human being and their mothers sheltered at the APAV’s Centre for Shelter and Protection SUL (CAP SUL), but also to raise the awareness of the community towards the phenomena of discrimination, trafficking in human beings and violence in general.
The project activities are mostly linked to Science and Technology, where children and their mothers will be in contact with the professionals of the Ciência Viva Centre, in order to jointly develop fun, educative and integrational experiments.
Science Clubs will also be implemented at children’s schools, being the activities carried out a vehicle for both their integration and awareness raising of colleagues, teachers and other school staff for the impact of violence and the particular vulnerabilities of victims, such as those of trafficking in human beings and discrimination.
It is also envisaged that the Science Club contributes to build the professionals and other children and youngsters capacity to identify possible victimisation situations and know how to act.