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15 December – World day of remembrance for road traffic victims

By November 19, 2015February 1st, 2021News

On Sunday, 15th November, the 20th anniversary of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2015 was observed internationally and the 10th anniversary since its recognition by the United Nations. The World Day of Remembrance (WDR) exists to create a global culture of proper road safety. Celebrating the memory of those friends and relatives who died or were seriously injured on the world’s roads sets a collective right to demand responsibility from all road users. It also establishes the right to demand from governments – besides prevention programmes and initiatives – a serious post-crash response that includes thorough investigations, criminal and civil justice and medical (physical & psychological) and social care. The European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) campaigns for crash victims In their response to the EU Victims of Crime Consultation, the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR), who were at the origin of the World Day of Remembrance*, said:
“Just like the victims of other crimes, road crash victims who have been injured or had a family member killed as the result of someone’s law–breaking deserve recognition, support, justice and compensation for their losses. They should be regarded as victims of crime in our societies…an appropriate post-crash response, which includes recognition, support and justice is vital, together with ambitious targets, for reducing the huge toll of road deaths and injuries….and thus for the achievement of the set targets.”
The EU Directive on victims’ rights, promises to ensure that all crime victims will have better rights, support and protection, is due to be adopted by all EU member countries by 16th November – one day after World Day – a fitting measure to mark the Day’s 20th anniversary.

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