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7th Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia

By July 27, 2016February 1st, 2021News

The Victimology Society of Serbia will held their 7th Annual Conference “Security and victimization: Challenges of social reaction and victims’ protection” on 24th and 25th November 2016 in Belgrade
The conference aims to bring together experts and researchers, who deal both theoretically and practically and from the perspective of different disciplines with victims’ rights and provide assistance to victims of crime, human rights’ violations and other forms of suffering, and to enable a comprehensive exchange of experience and knowledge.
Within the main Conference theme, particular attention will be given to the challenges of social reaction and protection of victims in the context of contemporary security risks, threats and challenges, particularly in relation to the current migration and refugee crisis, extreme violence, terrorism, radicalism and organized crime. A critical overview of criminological and victimological aspects of contemporary political events and their impact on human rights, freedom, security and justice will be made. Additionally, the exchange of experiences during the Conference should contribute to future work on harmonisation of national legislation and public policies of the Republic of Serbia with the EU acquis, particularly in the context of the implementation of action plans for negotiating chapters 23 and 24.
The conference work will be organized through:
• Plenary sessions
• Thematic sessions
• Workshops
• Poster presentations
The keynote speakers will be:
Prof. dr Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic: Legal protection of victims of terrorism in Serbia – achievements and possible improvements
Dr Natasa Mrvic-Petrovic is a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law and a full professor at the Law School, University Union in Belgrade. As an expert hired by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, since 2006 she has cooperated with the Ministry of Justice and the Directorate for Execution of Criminal Sanctions on projects concerning prison system reform, execution of criminal sanctions and implementation of alternative criminal sanctions. Special fields of her research and interest include victimology, misdemeanor law and tort law. She is a long-standing member of the Victimology Society of Serbia and a member of the Advisory Board of the academic journal Temida.
Prof. dr Gorazd Mesko: Community safety and community policing – victimological perspectives
Dr Gorazd Mesko is a full professor, Vice-Dean for Research and Head of the Institute of Criminal Justice and Security at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia. He teaches different subjects at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies, including introduction to criminology and penology, criminology and crime policy, critical victimology, policing in Europe, etc. He is serving as the managing editor of the Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology, and he is a member of the Advosory Board of the academic journal Temida. Since autumn 2015, he is also the international ambassador of the British Society of Criminology.
Prof. dr Oliver Bacanovic: Migrant and refugee crisis – victimological aspects
Dr Oliver Bacanovic is a Dean and full professor at the Faculty of Security, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He teaches victimology and penology. Professor Bacanovic is one of the founders of victimology in Macedonia and he was the first one who started to teach the subject Victimology at one university institution on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Temida.
Levent Altan (TBC): Developing Victim Support in Serbia
Levent Altan is Executive Director of Victim Support Europe. From 2009 to 2012, he was Criminal Justice Legislative Officer at the European Commission where he was responsible for victims’ rights. During that time he was in particular responsible for drafting and negotiating the EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. During 2016, as an expert engaged by the World Bank, mr Altan was involved with the research of the victim support system in Serbia.
Ilse Vande Walle: Victims’ needs and how to assess them
Ilse Vande Walle is an international trainer and consultant specialised in supporting children and young people as victims of crime.
Please find the call for submission of abstracts and information regarding the registration fee and registration process here:
VDS call for abstracts_2016
registration form and the conference fee_2016
For any additional information about the Conference, please contact Bejan Saciri on the telephone +381 11 6303022 or via E-mail or

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