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An overview of the #VSE2017 annual conference

By June 16, 2017February 1st, 2021News

On 17 and 18 May  Victims Support NI, Advocates for Victims of Homicide (AdVIC), the Victims’ Rights Alliance (VRA)  and Victim Support Europe organised the 27th Annual Victim Support Europe Conference – Victims of Crime: Rights, Needs & Responses’.
The conference was held in over a 330 years old Royal Hospital’s monumental 17th century building  located in beautiful grounds in a picturesque setting in Kilmainham in Dublin. In this unique setting VSE members, practitioners, academics, policy makers, lawyers, victims, colleagues and other people interested in victim issues joined together, exchanged practices and committed to future actions. During the two-day conference we welcomed over 200 people from all over Europe and the world.
Interesting presentations and inspiring keynotes provided by keynote speakers at 4 plenary panels addressed the needs and responses for victims of terrorism, hate crime, online crime and historical abuse. You can still get more detailed information on the event and its programme on the #VSE2017 Conference website.
All the presentations provided to us by keynote speakers and workshop presenters can be found here (non-downloadable for copy right purposes)
We also selected some of the photos of the conference, plenary sessions and participants and you can find them here.
During the conference we had over 40 workshops on various themes including: Developing Your support services, Understanding and responding to victims needs, Supporting vulnerable victims, Helping them come forward, Victims of terrorism, Supporting Victims of Hate Crimes, victim oriented Criminal Justice Systems. Participants appreciated the opportunity to share their experiences and gain new knowledge through session focused on these various victim issues. Photos from the conference workshops you can find here
Dublin was  great host for #VSE2017 annual conference and that was additionally confirmed with the pre-conference reception hosted by the Lord Mayor of Dublin in the Oak Room of the Mansion House. We selected several photos of the reception as well
Victim Support Europe and the Irish hosts of the conference, Advocates for Victims of Homicide (AdVIC), the Victims’ Rights Alliance (VRA) and Victims Support NI are convinced that the Annual Conference provided the participants with an opportunity to network and learn from people working with victims of crime from around the world.
We are delighted by the enthusiasm shared by all the participants and we are looking forward to transform these experiences & knowledge exchanged into direct actions for victims.

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