VSE Project manager Aleksandra Ivankovic and Finance & Project Officer Sanjin Buzo today in Belgrade held a workshop with victim support providers from Serbia. The workshop was organized in cooperation with our member Victimology society of Serbia (VDS) as part of the VSE project “Victim support services in Serbia”
The workshop is organised as follow up of the national survey conducted by VDS in order to obtain an overview of existing victim support services in Serbia. Participants of the workshops were representatives of the organisations that took part in the survey.
National survey was conducted in period February-March 2017 and more that 80 organisations and institutions, victim support providers, were covered with the survey.
Results of the survey as well as feedback that we got from the participants will be incorporated in detailed description of organizational structures of existing victim support networks. Furthermore, the results will be presented and used in form of interactive on line map of existing victim support services in Serbia.
The General conclusions of the mapping and the online map will be combined with VSE’s analysis of 1) funding mechanisms for victim support services; 2) structure of networks of victim support providers and 3) analysis of legislation, policy documents and practice guidelines relevant to the responsibilities of Serbian police when dealing with victims of crime. Together they will form a set of recommendations that VSE will provide to the Serbian government in order to assist them, as part of its accession process, to support the development of a national system of victim support services which comply with EU Directive 2012/29 EU.