Victim Support Europe (VSE) is the leading European umbrella organisation that advocates on behalf of all victims of crime, no matter what the crime, no matter who the victim.
Since its foundation in 1990, VSE has worked on behalf of all European – and global – victims to ensure their rights and services, whether they have reported a crime or not.
VSE represents 61 national member organisations, providing support and information services to more than 2 million people affected by crime every year in 31 countries.
We work through advocacy to achieve our mission of improving European and international laws related to victims’ rights, using research, knowledge development, and capacity building at the national and local level.
Since 2015, VSE has been working with an external evaluator to build a monitoring and evaluation system (MES) based on its Strategic objectives. In 2021, VSE adopted a new Strategy for 2021-2025 and would therefore like to revise its MES.
VSE is looking for an external evaluator to assess the performance of the organisation in delivering on its 2021 work programme in the framework of its operating grant co-financed through the EU JUST Programme and to plan an evaluation methodology for the next 5 years.
VSE’s key objectives for the period 2021-2025 can be summarised as follows:
- Promote implementation and strengthening of victims’ rights
- Ensure victims are recognised, treated with respect and protected from secondary victimisation
- Promote the rights, resilience and recovery of victims, and Strengthen victim support
- Facilitate full access to support for victims within a national framework
- Work towards victim-centred justice and compensation systems
- Grow and strengthen VSE
Objectives and scope of the MES
The aim of the contract will be to develop a coherent 5-year MES and to carry out the first year of the evaluation, assessing the implementation and impact of VSE Strategic goals and annual work programme.
The evaluator should build a strategic planning for the evaluation of VSE including indicators to measure VSE’s influence and impact on EU policies and laws, and members and partners’ work. The evaluation should also measure VSE members’ satisfaction and engagement with VSE’s activities and outcomes.
The scope of the evaluation may be limited to the activities carried out by VSE under its annual Operating Grant and Framework Partnership Agreement.
Expected deliverables
Task 1: Develop, in collaboration with VSE staff, Board and members, an Evaluation Plan for 2021-2025 including evaluation criteria based on VSE’s new Strategy, the new Framework Partnership Agreement for 2022-2025 and VSE projects, evaluation questions, and related indicators for each of the objectives outlined above. The evaluation plan should include evaluation methodology, data collection methods and a clear timeline of evaluation activities.
Task 2 Produce a draft evaluation report for the evaluation of 2021 Work Programme. VSE should have an opportunity to comment on the report’s accuracy before it is finalised.
Task 3 Produce a final Evaluation Report for the evaluation of 2021 Work Programme which shall include specific and workable recommendations for revision/extension/expansion/replication of current processes and activities undertaken in the areas concerned.
Evidence base
The evaluation report should base its findings on a survey of VSE members and other documentation provided by VSE. In additional, the evaluation should be informed by:
- A site-visit to VSE head office with interviews of its Board members and staff
- Interview with external stakeholders and partners, such as:
- European Commission and Agency officials
- International Network Supporting Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence (INVICTM)
- European Network on Victims’ Rights (ENVR)
- EU NGO partners
- Other stakeholders that VSE regularly works with
The evaluator is expected to schedule and have regular meetings with VSE staff responsible for the external evaluation in order to take decisions and plan follow up activities.
Timeframe and budget
The tender contract is expected to start on 15 June 2021.
Deliverable | Deadline |
Task 1 Evaluation Plan | 15 August2021 |
Task 2 Interim Evaluation Report | 1 December 2021 |
Task 3 Final evaluation report | 31 January 2022 |
Funding is available for a yearly renewable contract for the period of the new VSE Strategy, until 2025. The contract can be renewed after a year on the basis of performance and mutual agreement between the parties.
Prices must be fixed amounts in Euro and will not be subject to revision. The amount of VAT should be shown separately on the invoice. Costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders are borne by the tenderers and cannot be reimbursed. Prices should include all costs including travel costs to execute tasks of the contract.
The maximum contract price is EUR 8.000 including fees and VAT.
Required qualifications
VSE is looking for proposals from legal and physical persons with a demonstrated experience in evaluation in at least two of the following evaluation areas:
- Impact assessment of policy at the EU level;
- Organisational assessment of membership-based civil society organisations with an advocacy mandate;
- Programme and project evaluation.
Applicants must also demonstrate that they have:
- Sound knowledge and understanding of EU-level decision-making processes and institutions
- Knowledge of EU-level policy areas in which VSE is active (
Applicants must have excellent knowledge of the English language.
Submission rules and assessment criteria
To be considered for this service, tenderers with the required profile shall submit the following documents:
- Tender submission (max 3 pages), including:
- name and contact information of the tenderer
- detailed presentation of the proposed methodology and approach
- breakdown of costs explaining the quoted total price
- CV(s) of the evaluator(s)
- 2 references with full contact details
- Relevant examples of evaluation work performed as appropriate.
Interested applicants can contact VSE team to receive the previous evaluation reports and VSE Strategy for 2021-2025.
The selection procedure will be based on the principles of equal treatment, fairness and transparency and on expertise (75%) and price (25%).
All applicants will receive acknowledgement of receipt of their tender and will be informed of the outcomes of the selection process within two weeks following the deadline date. VSE is not obliged to provide reasons for its decision to shortlist; VSE has the right to accept or reject any particular tender.
The offer needs to be submitted electronically in English by 21 May 2021 5pm CEST to Ms Aleksandra Ivankovic, VSE Deputy Director, at