‘Best Practices in Victims’ Support: Referrals, Information, Individual Assessment: VICToRIIA’
Final conference
Thursday 20th February 2020 (10.30am to 4.30pm)
Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union
Avenue de Cortenbergh 107, 1000 Brussels
Across Europe, practitioners are increasingly focused on how to best inform victims of crime about their rights, refer them to relevant services and identify their needs. During the last 2 years we have assessed these three areas in the victims’ journey in Romania, Lithuania, Portugal and Italy. We have the pleasure to present the results of our research during a final conference on Thursday 20th February 2020 at the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU, Avenue de Cortenbergh 107, 1000 Brussels.
This event will be the opportunity to learn about the practical barriers existing in these countries and the tools developed by the partners to counter these obstacles: a best European practices report, mapping of services, information packages, a referral manual and individual needs assessment guidelines.
Victims’ rights should remain a priority on the European Union’s agenda and EU Member States have the responsibility to ensure that rights and needs of all victims of crime are met.
Please see the agenda of the day.
To learn more about the project you can check VICToRIIA website.
You can register your participation here by Friday 7th February 2020.