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How innovation served Victim Support Netherlands

By September 18, 2022October 5th, 2022News, News from members, Newsletter

Victim Support Netherlands has focused on innovation since 2016. From 2016–2018, the Reiken en Raken SHN2.0 innovation programme shaped a whole new range of online services and the use of peer contact. Two years after implementation (2021), these new services have been used to support victims 471,264 times. The Mens als Maat innovation programme (2019–2021) provides new services for the victim’s inner circle, enabling them to help their loved ones or client better. These services had been provided 55,900 times by the end of 2021.

For a comprehensive overview of services provided as part of the programme, see the  document below:

The Way of Innovation

For further information the communications department of Slachtofferhulp Nederland can be contacted: , phone number 0031 88 7460746.

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