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Join Our Free Online Training Course on Sexual Violence and Migration

By June 22, 2020News

INHeRE is a European funded project that aims to improve inclusive and holistic care for migrant and refugee victims of sexual violence and/or trafficking regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation and legal status. 

Through the development of tools and trainings, INHeRE aims to build capacity of key professionals working with migrant victims of sexual violence.

The project partners of INHeRE are Ghent University- the International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH)/Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) (Belgium), the Belgian Federal Service of Public Health (Belgium), Payoke (Belgium), Victim Support Europe (European Union), The Havens Sexual Assault Referral Centre (United Kingdom) and the Irish Department for Justice and Equality (Ireland).

As part of the project, an online course for professionals has been developed. The courseis made of 8 modules covering different topics related to sexual violence in a migration context. The aim of this e-learning course is to improve the skills of frontline workers in identifying and providing care to refugees and migrants who have experienced sexual violence or who have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

We are seeking 150 professionals willing to test and evaluate the course.

What is the content of the online course?

INHeRE’s online course consists of 8 comprehensive modules covering different topics related to sexual violence in a migration context.

Module 1: Sexual violence: prevalence and effects
Module 2: Sexual violence and migration
Module 3: Disclosure on sexuality and violence
Module 4: LGBT+ MAR victims of sexual violence
Module 5: Human trafficking and sexual violence
Module 6: Holistic care for victims of sexual violence
Module 7: Interpreting for victims of sexual violence
Module 8: Evidence-based psychological therapy for

Each module takes about 35-45 minutes and you can work at your own pace. The total estimated time needed to follow all eight modules is approximately 6 hours.

More information and registration:

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