LIBRA ONLUS Association is now involved in the project “Game Over – You Win”, basically focused on the widespread social issue of gambling. Official data attest an overall increasing in the amount of money spent on gambling in Italy, with major consequences especially on the quality of life of people affected by this problem, typically resulting in poor relations and bad behaviors adopted in the attempt to obtain more and more money to gamble.
Game Over is coordinated by the Guidizzolo Local Area, in the North Mantua district. Cooperating with this local institution, we are overseeing several awareness activities that will be addressed to schools, other associations and population in general. We are planning to organize local events, in order to increase population’s knowledge about gambling and project’s issues.
Libra is also promoting its Victim Support Centre intending to provide help to individuals that realize to suffer from this form of addiction. Our final goal is to create two self-help group in this area: one for gamblers and the other for their relatives.
Another relevant project-partner is the medical authority of Mantua district, ATS Val Padana, which contributes to the formation activities we will organize in schools. This one-year project is financed by Lombardy Region.