The Conference of the Project “Strengthening Crime Prevention between EU Member States” will take place in Gzira, Malta, between January 29th and February 1st, 2013 .
This event will outline a theoretical perspective on crime prevention; provide presentations on key European documents pertaining to the field; and include workshops during which the participants will be able to share and analyse best practices.
The outcome of the conference will form the basis a new website which will serve as a resource tool in the field of crime prevention.
The list of invited speakers include:
- Prof. Andrew Willis | Visiting Professor of Criminology, University of Malta and Formerly Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Department of Criminology, University of Leicester, and Head of Department
- Helgard van Hüllen| Board Member, Victim Support Europe
- Silvio Valletta | Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Department, Malta and Malta’s Representative on the European Crime Prevention Network
The conference will span over 4 days and will involve coordination between Victim Support Malta and Victim Support Europe.
For more information and registration: