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Conference of the project “Strengthening Crime Prevention between EU Member States”

By November 7, 2012February 1st, 2021News

The Conference of the Project “Strengthening Crime Prevention between EU Member States” will take place in Gzira, Malta, between January 29th and February 1st, 2013 .
This event will outline a theoretical perspective on crime prevention; provide presentations on key European documents pertaining to the field; and include workshops during which the participants will be able to share and analyse best practices.
The outcome of the conference will form the basis a new website which will serve as a resource tool in the field of crime prevention.
The list of invited speakers include:

  • Prof. Andrew Willis | Visiting Professor of Criminology, University of Malta and Formerly Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Department of Criminology, University of Leicester, and Head of Department
  • Helgard van Hüllen| Board Member, Victim Support Europe
  • Silvio Valletta | Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Department, Malta and Malta’s Representative on the European Crime Prevention Network

The conference will span over 4 days and will involve coordination between Victim Support Malta and Victim Support Europe.
For more information and registration:

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