To support Serbian authorities in establishment of victim support system in Serbia, VSe in aprtenrship with the MDTF JSS team prepared a report on Operating networks for victim support services. The report is looking into two examples – those of Finland and France, of how to organise comprehensive victim support services at the national level. Both countries were chosen based on findings of previous research carried out under the MDTF JSS, Analysis of victims’ rights and services in Serbia and their alignment with EU Directive 2012/29/EU.
That research showed in particular that Serbia had some level of existing infrastructure for the delivery of victim services. Though many of these were focused on specific groups of victims, a number had indicated an interest to widen the scope of their activities. At the same time, the Serbian State had indicated that where possible they wanted to use existing resources, rather than create an wholly new system, which would be an inefficient and non-inclusive approach. Both France and Finland are examples of long and well established national services, meeting criteria in the EU Victims Directive which used existing infrastructures and organisations to deliver a national system.
The report was prepared by Ms. Aleksandra Ivankovic (Victim Support Europe) and Mr. Levent Altan (Victim Support Europe). Country experts Jerome Bertin and Isabelle Sadowski, from Federation France Victimes (INAVEM), Leena-Kaisa Aberg, from Rikosuhripaivystys Suomessa (Victim support Finland, RIKU), and Supporting Justice UK, provided information on legal regulation and practice in targeted countries.
Here you can read the full report on Operating networks for victim support services