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Public consultation on evaluation of Victims’ Rights Directive

By August 31, 2021News

For its public consultation on the evaluation of the Victims’ Rights Directive, the European Commission seeks to gather input from the widest possible range of stakeholders, including national authorities, non-governmental organisations (including those dealing with victims’ rights), victim support organisations and individual citizens, in particular victims of crime. The Commission undertakes this evaluation as one of its key actions set out in the EU Strategy on Victims’ Rights (2020-2025).

The public consultation will collect information, data, views and experiences on the Victims’ Rights Directive, and can be accessed here. Please note that the consultation will close on 25 October 2021.

The adoption of the Victims’ Rights Directive in 2012 represented an important step forward in the creation of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. This Directive includes a strong set of rights for victims of crime and guarantees that all victims of crime enjoy the same basic rights in criminal proceedings and have access to victim support services and compensation. Among other things, this Directive includes establishing an individual assessment of the specific needs of every and each victim, the obligation imposed to Member States of providing free-of-charge and confidential victim support services and the guarantee that victims will receive information about their rights in a language they can understand.

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