After almost two weeks, we are looking back at VSE’s Annual Conference 2021 with a big smile and happy memories. Even in these difficult online times, a great number of you were present during the event, either by joining us as a plenary’s or side events’ speaker or as part of the wonderful audience.
All of you showed interest in the history of the victim support community, how it developed over the last three decades and which challenges it faces in today’s modern times. At VSE, we are very happy with the results of this year’s annual conference, because of the interesting themes and speakers during the plenary sessions, the fruitful discussions throughout the networking sessions and the surprisingly engaging side events that were realised.
We cannot thank you enough for your engagement, passion and enthusiasm! We are therefore very much looking forward to see you again at future events!
In the meantime, you can now relive our conference at any time, as the recordings of both the plenary sessions and the side events are uploaded on VSE’s YouTube channel.