VSE memeber Supporting Justice is officially launching the first UK national victim review website, named Victims Choice, which will provide information to victims on all the victim services in their area. The site will also allow victims to write reviews and view feedback from past service users to help them choose a provider that suits their needs.
We know that there are excellent services being provided and we want those services to be able to be recognised. We hope that Victims Choice will drive up standards across the UK – only through open and honest feedback can we all have the opportunity to make changes that will make things better. We are launching Victims Choice on 26 April 2017. You can find out more information by visiting www.victimschoice.org.uk or by following us on Twitter – @VictimsChoice.
Alongside the same branding, Supporting Justice has also launched the Victims Choice Quality Mark. The function of the quality mark is to assess victim services against 5 standards of victim care that we have developed through detailed research and analysis.
The quality mark will provide both providers and commissioners of services with an independent verification of the quality and effectiveness of those services. Moreover, it will help assure victims that they are getting the best possible, high quality care and that these services have been properly assessed and deliver what they say they will. You can find out further information by visiting www.supportingjustice.org.uk/quality-mark