Victim Support Europe strongly condemns the horrific terrorist attacks that took place in Christchurch, New Zealand today, 15 March 2019.
Our deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families and to all those who have lost loved ones, and to the people of New Zealand.
Victim Support New Zealand, VSE Member, launched an Official Fund for support of Christchurch Shooting Victims
Anyone affected by the incidents is encouraged to contact Victim Support New Zealand on the 24 hour crisis line : 0800 842 846.
New Zealand Police wish to notify people wishing to register missing persons or register themselves alive that they can do at the Restoring Family Links (RFL) website:
Police will be working with New Zealand Red Cross who is managing the website, making all appropriate enquiries to find missing persons.
People will have the option to make this information visible to the public or kept private when they fill out the required form.
Police encourage members of the public to continue to contact family and friends through their own means to confirm their welfare.
If you have been affected by this attack or any other, you can also find help in your own country. VSE has members in 30 countries which may be able to support you or connect you with a support organisation. Find the victim support organisation in your country here.