The European Day for Victims of Crime is an important annual milestone where we get the chance to highlight the crucial need for victim support. Join us for this year’s event, ‘Leave No Victim Behind: Victims’ Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals’, organised by Victim Support Europe and hosted at the Press Club Brussels on February 22nd, 2024 from 13:30 – 17:00 CET!
This event seeks to highlight the intrinsic connection between victims’ rights and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). By hearing victims’ testimonies and experts’ insights, the event will emphasise the need for an inclusive approach to sustainable development. The event concept envisions a dynamic and effective platform, where victims’ voices and experts’ insight combine to underscore the urgency of integrating victims’ rights within the SDG agenda. Through collaboration, actionable recommendations, and shared commitment, the event aims to foster positive victim-centric change and to contribute to a more just and sustainable society.
The UN sustainable development goals (SDG’s) offer a guideline for a just and sustainable future. At the heart of the SDG’s is an important call to action for all nations to band together to make this vision a reality. Specifically, we feel our work aligns with the following goals: No poverty (1), Good health and well-being (3), Quality education (4), Gender equality (5), Decent work and economic growth (8), Reduced inequalities (10), and Peace, justice and strong institutions (16). Victim Support Europe is committed to leaving no victim behind, and by relating this concept to that of the SDG’s, we feel we can improve the support available to victims of crime, therefore creating societal conditions that align with these goals.
To attend this event, please register here (Closing date: Monday, February 19th 2024).
To see the event programme, visit our webpage.