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VOICES 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium – Pathways to Resilience

By August 31, 2022News

VOICES – Center for Resilience – is hosting its 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium, Pathways to Resilience on Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10 in New York City. You can follow the event on both days via live stream, free of charge but registration is required. Discover more about the event and its programme below!


This year’s Symposium is presented in partnership with the Leadership in Counter Terrorism Alumni Association (LinCT-AA) and the International Network Supporting Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence (INVICTM). The two-day event brings together distinguished professionals working in national security, law enforcement, victims’ services, mental health, compensation, and investigations in the aftermath of 9/11, as well as other international acts of mass violence.

Please find a summary of the event’s programme below. You can register to the Symposium by clicking here.


Symposium | Day 1

September 9, 9:00am to 4:30pm New York Time (Live Stream Only)

Building Trust During Turbulent Times highlights the important collaboration between LinCT-AA, INVICTM and VOICES. Building upon LinCT-AA’s 2022 Better Together Conference, presenters will share their expertise based on first-hand experience, identify challenges, and propose solutions through public-private partnerships, in the US and abroad. The agenda includes presentations on global threats, legacy projects, victim-centred response, leadership strategies, and more.


9/11 Commission Documentary Discussion

September 9, 5:15pm to 6:30pm New York Time (Live Stream Only)

The September 9 Symposium is followed by an evening panel discussion about the 9/11 Commission and highlights of Are We Safer Today? The documentary chronicles the memories and observations of the 9/11 Commissioners on the largest investigation in US history that led to sweeping intelligence reforms. The conversation will include Governor Thomas Kean, Chair of the 9/11 Commission, and other key stakeholders as they reflect on our Nation’s progress towards implementing their recommendations as they commemorate twenty years since their formation.


Symposium | Day 2

September 10, 9:00am to 4:30pm New York Time (Live Stream Only)

Support Beyond the 20th Anniversary addresses the many outstanding issues that continue to impact the 9/11 community more than 20 years later. Dedicated professionals who have committed their careers to serving the 9/11 community will share their expertise and provide important updates. Sessions highlight mental health considerations, commemoration, compensation, pending litigation and an introduction to new agency leadership. The program features lessons learned for professionals and agencies providing victims’ services and responding to other acts of mass violence.


To find more information about the event, please click here.

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