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VSE Annual Conference 2021 – Updated programme

We are very pleased to present the updated programme for our #VSEAnnualConference2021, “Transforming Victim Support: from dream to reality”!

The online, two-day conference will take place on May 19th and 20th and focusses on the achievements of the victim support community across Europe over the last three decades. To celebrate this, we have included several interesting and engaging themes in our programme.

In the first session, the founding and the progression of the victim support movement will be discussed. Here, the speakers will focus on the origins, the process and the modern challenges for victim support across the world.
During the second session, the concept of a national framework for victim support will be presented, followed by a Q&A session that will cover different parts of the framework.
The next session will emphasize on the role of a victim’s social support network. Throughout this session, the true importance of family, friends and the community at large to support victims will be clarified.
The last session of the first day will reveal the development of a generic support service. More specifically, the speaker will describe its components, innovative practices and channels of delivering support.

The conference’s second day will start with a session about victim support delivered by other sectors, such as governmental institutions, the justice system, the health sector, the academic sector and media.
The next session will address the need for specialising services for all victims, illustrated by the needs-based approach of Victim Support Finland.
Lastly, the final session of this conference will introduce two innovative therapies and methods that help victims to recover.

Make sure to check out the speakers for each content, as we were able to bring together experts in victim support from around the world!

Visit the conference website for more information on registration, programme and speakers:

Follow the latest updates on topics, speakers and workshops with the hashtag #VSEAnnualConference2021 and by following us on our social media channels!

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