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VSE Conference: Establishing victims' rights in challenging times

By November 24, 2016February 1st, 2021News

As part of our annual activities to make victims’ rights a reality in every country in Europe, VSE is organising “Establishing Victims’ Rights and Support Services in Challenging Times”, hosted at the European Economic and Social Committee on 29 November 2016.
In 2012, the Member States of the European Union, supported by the European Parliament and the European and Economic Social Committee committed to EU legislation establishing minimum rights and services for all victims of crime. The Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime was widely recognised as ambitious but realistic.
A year after the deadline for implementation of the EU Victims’ Rights Directive, and at a time when Europe is facing numerous economic, social and security challenges, we examine the state of play in EU Member States. First the conference will highlight the successes and failures of States in implementing minimum standards to meet the needs of victims of crime. The latter half of the conference will address the support needs of victims and survivors of terrorism. The focus will be on the development of victim oriented responses and the EU’s role in supporting these efforts.
Speakers from diverse areas of expertise — including victims of crime, Security Commissioner Julian King, MEP Monika Hohlmeier, Alexandra Jour-Schroeder (DG Justice), Azzeddine Salmane (UNODC), Kathleen Walker-Shaw (EESC) and victim support organisations: Levent Altan (VSE)  & Roberta Lepre (VS Malta) — will speak on current developments, problems faced by all victims and priorities for specific areas such as terrorism.
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