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VSE provides training with EIPA on the EU and Domestic Violence at the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia

By October 11, 2017February 1st, 2021News

On 10th and 11th of October Victim Support Europe’s Aleksandra Ivankovic and An Verelst joined the European Institute for Public Administration for a training of judges, prosecutors, professors and trainers of the Serbian Judicial Academy on EU and Domestic Violence.
EU legislation and policy on protection and support of victims of crime were discussed. The training introduced  participants to the history and evolutions in this field of EU law and policy as well as international instruments and Member States’ action.
Victim Support Europe provided training on the Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime and made the link with the Serbian legislative framework. Other European legislative instruments related to victims of crime were considered. The common and specific needs of victims of domestic violence were explained and measures and tools to prevent violence, protect and support victims both within and outside the criminal proceedings. The European Court and relevant case law were discussed with the participants.
Victim Support Europe was honoured to provide training to the expert participants in the Judicial Academy and will be looking forward to further collaboration for victims in Serbia.

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