In July 2017 Victim Support Europe’s Deputy Director An Verelst visited experts and a victim support organisation in Israel to discuss the rights and support offered to victims of crime in Israel. An Verelst was honoured to meet Prof. Dr. Uri Yanay and dr. Tali Gal who are experts in victims’ rights and restorative justice. They shared their expertise through both Israeli as international research.
Furthermore, An had the opportunity to visit Natal. NATAL is an apolitical nonprofit organization that specializes in the field of war and terror related trauma. NATAL aims to advance the resiliency of Israeli society through treatment, prevention, public awareness and research. After a warm welcome they presented the impressive and comprehensive work of Natal with victims of terrorism and war. A strong combination of specialised treatment, awareness raising, training, and research are the corner stones of Natal’s work. To learn more about the organisation and their work visit their website here: