On 2nd of June An Verelst of Victim Support Europe attended the 15th conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies at The National Centre for Psychotraumatology and the University of Southern Denmark. The “Child Maltreatment Across the Lifespan” at The National Centre for Psychotraumatology and the University of Southern Denmark. The conference took take place on 2-4 June 2017 in Odense, Denmark.
The conference focused on a range of traumatic responses that are inclusive of a number of different survivor groups e.g., accidental traumatic experiences, life-threatening disease, catastrophes, veterans and refugees. With 550 participants – from trauma survivors, academia, voluntary and statutory services and policy makers – and many expert speakers the conference offered a platform for knowledge sharing and discussion on world-wide state of the art evidence on trauma and support to people who have experienced trauma.
An Verelst presented with Michel Dückers of Impact, the Dutch national knowledge & advice centre for community resilience and psychosocial care concerning critical incidents on ‘Overview of international psychosocial support initiatives against the
backdrop of a parabolic model on quality/attitude of psychosocial support programmes’. The long and complex title introduced a presentation that presented international psychosocial support initiatives after mass victimisation by analysing them against the theoretical model developed by Michel Dückers and impact. This model provides a valuable framework to analyse quality and attitude (active to passive) of different interventions.
Find VSE’s & IMPACT’s presentation here