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Welcome To Our Newest Member

By June 21, 2019February 1st, 2021News

We’re delighted to welcome our new member Olivier Lauwers

Olivier Lauwers is our new individual associate member from Belgium.
Olivier has a Master in Criminology and he has been working since 1997 for the Belgian Ministry of Justice. After graduating from the university (UCL in Belgium), he was quickly appointed as Prison Governor, a position he attended for 8 years.

During that period he had the opportunity to study different other prison services in Europe and even in the USA.  In 2005, he believed it was time for him to explore some new territories and he was appointed as case manager at the Belgian Compensation Scheme Unit for victims of acts of violence.   He almost immediately was appointed as case manager for cross-borders cases.

On the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 22 March 2016, he was appointed as the case manager for the compensation of  all victims of terrorism (regardless of their nationality) and he was also asked by the Federal Belgian Government to be the contact person for all victims of terrorism.  He is at the moment the head of the Victims of Terrorism Compensation Unit at the Belgian Commission for final aid for victims.

Great to have new members join our family, and we look forward to many more in 2019.

Olivier Lauwers

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